Today I’m excited to offer you a chance to win another fabulous app that will help those students with syllable goals!
Meet Multi-Syllabic Word Party from Home Speech Room. When you open the app, four options to work on multi-syllabic words are presented:
Each option gives you the choice to work on words ranging from 2-5 syllables. I love this feature because my goals typically specify the number of syllables that the students needs to work on. The best part? I don’t need to stop and think of words off the top of my head that meet the syllable requirements! No more time wasted!
On the Tap Tap activity, students say each syllable while they tap the circle.
Here I was working on 4 syllable words.
On the Outline activity, students match pictures with their outline and then tap out the syllables.
In the Remember activity, students play memory match. Once they find a match, they say each syllable, as well as the whole word.
Last, in the Say and Slice activity, students slice the letters that are different colors while saying the syllable. This one is the favorite among my students. They love using their fingers to slice the words and it provides a great visual for breaking the syllables apart.
My friends at Home Speech Room are giving away 3 right here! Just enter the rafflecopter below! Or, if you know you could use it, it is $3.99 on the app store.
Come as you are. Leave encouraged.
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Last year I had several students working on multisyllabic words, but so far none this year! It’s still early in the year though. 😉
I do work on multi syllabic goals!
I have a few students working on multisyllabic words. I have been looking for some new products to use with them. This app looks like it would be really helpful!
I do syllable work on my caseload and always struggle with materials. I love the look of this app. The Outline activity looks super fun!
yes!! always! =)
I have a few kinders and firsts I work on syllables with. This would be great!
I don’t right now, but I have a student who will be getting a syllable goal next week at the annual IEP.
Great review! Looks like a very helpful app!
I do have kids with multisyllabic goals. This app looks GREAT for addressing the issue in a fun way.
This looks like a fabulous app to focus on my students who either delete syllables or run words together. I like the separation and marking of syllables in a fun, game format.
I do currently have several students with syllable goals.
I’m always looking for new multisyllable words!
I have clients working on multisyllabic words and this looks like a fun app to use in therapy!! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
I have a few students working on multisyllabic words on my caseload.
I have noticed a trend lately (the past couple of years) of students who can say 1-2 syllable words well, and then it breaks down in longer words and in sentences, even when the students are able to produce the sounds in the words. So, yes, I have written goals a few times for multi-syllable words.
So many of my students are working on multi-syllable words, especially my pre-kers! This app looks like a lot of fun and my students always love when they get to play on the iPad!
I have a few students working on multisyllabic words.
I have one student with multi syllabic words goal. This app would be perfect!
I’m already thinking of a student I could really use this for!
I have several students working on multisyllabic words. Many of my little friends have difficulty producing sounds correctly in multisyllabic words even when they do well with shorter words in conversation.
This would be a great app for my kids!
I work on syllables with my students but don’t usually write goals for this skill. This app would definitely make it easier to track progress!
I have a couple students who have such varied articulation errors that I decided to work on multisyllabic words to improve their intelligibility overall. The students range from older students who are probably close to dismissal to some of my youngest students who are working on imitations and approximations.
I have a few students working on multisyllablic words. As a new graduate I am always looking for therapy ideas and ways to enhance my therapy. This would be a great tool for me!!
I currently have two kids working on multisyllabic words. I think they would love to play this instead of looking at my boring CVCV cards over and over again!
I do have a few students working on this goal. The app would be a fun alternative to address this!
I have several students working on multisyllabic words this year!
Do all the words come with picture pairings? I work with younger kids so the visual picture would be really important!
I am not a speech teacher….so I don’t have any multisyllabic word goals. BUT…I am a reading interventionist and my kiddos ALWAYS struggle with multisyllable words… this is a fantastic app for practice!
Thanks for the opportunity!
I have several working on multisyllabic goals! It has really helped my kiddos with low intelligibility!
I do work on multi-syllabic words.
I have several students that have goals for producing multi-syllabic words. And it is always challenging to find different ways to target these goals, so this would be awesome!
Yes! I work with many students on syllable goals!!
yes! The deaf/hard of hearing kids on my caseload definitely have trouble with multisyllabic words.
I am new to your blog and trying to download the calendar and scheduling free download
I have tried to create username and password and it won’t go to the next screen, the small circle at top keeps spinning and nothing happens….
Here is the link: