I always start out my summers with the best of intentions:
- Wake up every morning at 7:00
- Get in shape (AKA exercise every once in a while)
- Become smarter (AKA “read more books”)
- Feel like I accomplished everything I wanted
Shreeeech…….BUT, I fall apart without routine. I found myself hitting that snooze button and I’ve only been out of school for a week!
What is a girl to do?
Well, I did some research on myself and discovered that I’m a “list sort of girl.” I need those lists. I live by those lists. You know the ones- The ones we keep at school that cover our desks and computers, reminding us of evaluations and IEPs needing our attention. And then, when that long-awaited moment comes, the feeling of scratching a line through the completed ones is glorious, isn’t it? For me, the reward of getting to check off that task makes it almost worth it. Almost.
At school, my desk and computer are covered with those precious little notes. I’m not sure why I thought I could survive the summer without them. I made it one week (and did not do too well).
I found this picture and had to share. It’s a room covered entirely with post-it notes. I can see myself living quite happily there. Sorry-I digress.
So…if you’re anything like me and thrive on lists, don’t neglect them during the summer. Here’s 3 little tips that have helped me stay organized and focused during these no-routine months.
1. Schedule in some down-time.
Don’t Write
Do Write
“clean, grocery shop, weed, laundry, take kids to sports.”
“clean, read a magazine, go grocery shopping, stop at a café for coffee, weed, paint toes while watching a show.”
This has a two-fold purpose. Like I mentioned, I find so much fulfillment in crossing off tasks that I find happiness in crossing off tasks such as “playing with my dog.” And…I am also able to manage my time better because I see my entire day and where my time is going.
2. Be specific.
Don’t Write
Do Write
“clean out fridge”
“read 10 pages of …..”
“run for 10 minutes”
3. Keep those lists on you. Place a small notepad in your purse or download an app. Here’s two free ones that I’ve found to be helpful.
- Sticky Notes for iPad Perfect for our iPads with voice dictation.
- Notes-Reminders and Notes App. Compatible with both iPhones and iPads. This app is really neat because you can place reminders on your locked screen so they’re always in view and set alarms.
My goals are still grand for this summer and I will probably not be able to feel the reward of crossing them all off. However, I have a game-plan now. So what are some of your secrets of ways you keep organized throughout the summer?
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Matt Sutton says
June 25, 2013 at 1:20 pmThey (researchers) say it takes at least 6 consecutive weeks to really get into a routine. Personally, I get aggrevated with myself when I sleep in because I feel like I’m wasting away the day.
I like those apps, but a lot of times I just put everything in my calendar and it buzzes with reminders.
I know exactly what you mean about staying in a routines/lists—early morning swim lessons are helping me stay on track.
Digital: Divide & Conquer
Carissa says
June 25, 2013 at 3:11 pmThanks for sharing your ideas! I agree that it is hard to be motivated when you’re out of your normal routine. I need to try writing my lists with some down time or with more specifics than just “clean.” Thanks again for the tips!
Home Sweet Speech Room
Colleen Kinnard says
June 26, 2013 at 1:20 amThis is soooo true! Thanks for your ideas! I love the more specific list-making and writing those “down time” activities into your “to do” list every day. I feel like that would make me set more realistic goals each day. I always seem to feel rushed to do everything on the list, and end up getting frustrated when I haven’t done it all (read: perfectionist!). 🙂 I use an app called Wunderlist – It’s awesome! I have a “daily goals” list, a “weekly goals” list, and a “summer bucket list” …even a grocery shopping list that is shared between my husband and myself – GENIUS. 🙂