Are you getting ready for Christmas? As I’m writing this post for S…Peachy Feedback, I’m listening to Christmas music and LOVING it! What Child is this…who laid to rest…
What is it?
“S…Peachy” Feedback is a monthly linky where TPT sellers reward customers who leave insightful, helpful and encouraging feedback on products bought from their TPT stores. I know I’m speaking for all who create here, but we sellers absolutely LOVE to hear your thoughts on how our products have been beneficial to you, inspired you or even suggestions on to make them better! Each winner receives a product of their choice FREE from the store they left feedback.
When is it?
“S…Peachy” Feedback happens every (yes, every!) 3rd Monday of the month. So…if you didn’t win this month, keep leaving that amazing feedback and check back next month!
How does it work?
It’s super easy!
For readers, check back here every month to see if you’re a winner. Lots of speechie blogs participate, so make sure click through the blogs at the bottom of this post to see if you’re a winner!
Here’s my winner!
Thank you so much Malia for letting me know how you are using My Leveled Vocabulary Intervention Binder with your students-I love hearing about it!
Malia D.-please email me a free product of your choice from my store (
For bloggers/sellers:
I would love for you to join (blogs and Facebook pages welcome!)
Come as you are. Leave encouraged.
I'd love for you to join my newsletter family so that I can start sending weekly encouragement as well as access to an entire library of free resources like this Student Self-Progress Report Sheet!
Shannon Schwerdtfeger says
February 23, 2015 at 7:41 pmWhat happened to the Speachy Feedback linky parties? I’ve missed them the past couple months. 🙁 I loved reading feedback from others and finding products that I may have missed or overlooked on TpT. Please bring them back!