Summary of this post: The Leveled Intervention Binder for Reading Comprehension is up and posted! As with all my resources, it will be 25% off for the first 48 hours (the lowest you will ever see it)! If you’d like to see a ton of pictures and know a bit more, I encourage you to […]
Motivating those “Hard to Motivate” Students
Ohhhhh yes. You know the one. I’m even willing to bet you’re picturing the exact student right now. The student that, no matter what you’ve tried, is. not. motivated. To do anything. So what do you do? I’m going to list out my bag of tricks here because, like you, I’ve had my share of […]
Goal Extensions for Speech and Language
New Resource Posted! If you’ve been following me over on Instagram (@nicoleallisonslp), you might know that I’ve been working on sorting through the content standards specifically to target goals for my students performing under them. The kids were gone for the night and I cranked out the finishing touches to get this posted this weekend! […]
Confessions of an SLP
Hi there! Today I’m getting real and posting a few confessions I have as an SLP because…I feel around this time we could ALL benefit from a little real life honesty! Every year around this time, I start having second thoughts about returning to work next year-like serious turn-in-my-resignation-thoughts. I love what I do […]
SPARK Cards for Sequencing and Language Development
*Please note: These SPARK Cards were provided in exchange for a review. No other compensation was given. The opinions are all mine though! Lea, a fellow SLP, and creator of SPARK Cards, recently reached out to me to ask if I’d like to be sent a new resource she created and write my thoughts on […]
Evidence-Based Interventions: Affixes
Friends. I am behind. Almost 3 years ago I started this blog series “Evidence-Based Interventions.” I wrote the first post on Context Clues and then stopped. I guess having two more babies (3 under 4) slowed me down! I’m so happy to say that I am finally starting it back up with the strategy of […]
Preschool Screening Toolkit Now Posted!
Finally POSTED! After tons of requests (and something I desperately needed myself), my Preschool Screening Toolkit is finished! A few months ago, I sent out a newsletter asking for input on preschool screenings. I love digging in and getting input from you before I posting something so if you’d like to be included on the […]
5 Tips to Starting Successful Social Groups
Social groups. You either love them or hate them. We know they are important, even essential for our students with social needs, yet they can be a bit tricky to get up and running, and pulling them off successfully. Over the years I’ve had my share of fails with social groups so here are my 5 […]
All of the Christmas Activities!
Do you get all the feels like I do around this time of year? Having my 3 little ones makes it even more fun to celebrate and seeing their eyes light up at the tiniest of things such as a warm cup of cocoa, dancing to Christmas music, and putting a Nativity play makes for […]
Phonological Awareness Articulation is FINISHED!!!
Hello there! I just wanted to pop in really quick here to say my Phonological Awareness Articulation Intervention is finally finished! It’s a resource I’ve been pouring into the past 6 months and I’m excited to finally have all 20 sounds completed! If you bought this at the early bird reduced price, you can go and redownload […]
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